We’re All Connected

#SelfCareSundays Month #2 Blog

Let’s Tighten Those That Are Essential
— Akilah Light

I’ve been thinking about connections quit a bit lately.  That feeling of being connected and making connections.  I believe that we are all connected.  Connected to self, each other, the planet and Spirit.  Some connections are loose, and others held more tightly.  The work I’ve done lately has provided the tools to tighten those essential connections.

I was a very happy little girl.  My maternal family is from Atlanta by way of South Carolina.  Many of them moved to Atlanta, so there was family all around.  There were many elders that held wisdom that I was too young to appreciate at the time.  I spent the first ten years of my life mostly in downtown Atlanta.  Streets like Northside Dr, Simpson Rd, Marietta St, Martin Luther King, Jr Dr, Sunset Ave and Tyler St. to name a few.  We would walk to visit my great-great aunts and uncles all the time.  I attended Martin Luther King Jr. Day Care Center across the street from the King Center, and later Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School.  It was because of the first ten years that I truly developed a love, appreciation and major connection to family and my city.  It feels like the city of Atlanta is a part of my family…or maybe I’m a part of hers.

After five fabulous years at Henderson High School (8th-12th) in DeKalb County I chose to attend Spelman College like my mother.  I admit that I fought the idea at first.  Mainly because I wanted to attend college out-of-state, and certainly NOT an all-girls school.  However, the moment I first stepped foot on connection became much stronger.  It was when I realized the number of powerful, strong, beautiful and highly intelligent black women who had matriculated before me.  My confidence was on another level after graduating from Spelman College.  The connection is strong and was necessary for my growth and development.

When the Pandemic hit in 2020, I was coming off a very successful 2019.  I wrote about it in my last blog.  Life Coaching put me on my path and each ceremony/initiation has brought me closer to Spirit.  I’ve learned of my lineage and have a direct connection with my Ancestors.  Synchronicities are more frequent and I’m so grateful.  

The following is an excerpt from a speech written/delivered by US Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Prize Winner Tracy K. Smith for Harvard Alumni Day 2022:

Even as we find our way back toward one another, back toward the customs and occasions we crave, I think it’s important admit that our course – by which I mean our understanding not just of where we are going but of why, how and with whom we must go – has changed.

…In writing poetry, I have come to accept that there is a part of me – my unconscious likely – that knows more than I know, and fears less than I fear, and can say and hear things in languages that my everyday self, left to her own devices, might shy away from, not wanting to hear.  I believe that a large version of myself – my soul maybe – came to my rescue when called.  But I don’t believe she was alone.  I choose to believe she brought ancestors and companions from among the life forms and sources of energy and insight that accompany and surround us.

Smith goes on to talk about teaching herself to meditate during the Pandemic.  Her message resonated.  It was further confirmation that we are all connected and many of us are having similar experiences.  This unwavering need to connect to self, each other, the Earth and Spirit.

a🦋LIGHT recommendations:

a🦋LIGHT Bath Salts:

The herbal salt blend has 10+ times more minerals than other blends.  These minerals can assist in cleansing, detoxifying, and restoring the skin and muscles.  The skin is the largest organ and soaking in our bath salts helps expedite healing and helps bring an overall peaceful state.  Add an a🦋LIGHT candle to enhance the mood.

a🦋LIGHT Bath Teas:

For a relaxing bath.  I love speaking my prayers while in the bath.  I also allow myself to release all that no longer serves me.  My blend relieves stress and anxiety.  Eases muscle soreness and soothes the skin.  Add a 🦋LIGHT candle to enhance the mood.

a🦋LIGHT Waistbeads:

There are many uses for waist beads.  One amazing way is to choose colors that resonate with your healing.  Choose colors for the energy /vibration/frequency necessary for the area you’d like to improve.  Choose crystals that resonate with the frequency you’re looking to align with.  If/when the strand “pop” off ask why and the answer will be revealed.  Sometimes it means it’s time for renewal, releasing old feelings, relationships, or stagnant energy.

 I trust that these words reach those who need them and are able to activate the magic necessary for growth.


Akilah Cauac Ast Light

Allow the Universe to Handle the Details

#SelfCareSundays Month #1 Blog

Allow the Universe to Handle the Detail, It Always Works Out.
— Akilah Light

I had BIG plans for 2020. After a record year in 2019 career-wise, my boys were successful academically/socially, and I was dating a man that I adored. So of course, going into 2020 I was Vision Board ready with the 2020 vision. Then the Pandemic hit. That President’s Club Award Ceremony in the Bahamas that I was scheduled to leave for in a few days was postponed and later canceled. My boys were sent home from school to work virtually for the remainder of the school year. Both graduated. One was virtually from elementary school and the other had a “drive-through” ceremony at his pre-school. At work there were record layoffs, furloughs and advertisers canceling. As a 100% commission salesperson, I was wondering how I’d be paid since most advertising dollars paid in were being pulled. By April my relationship was shaky and by May we were done. Life was not the same. I was frustrated and angry because as far as

I was concerned this Corona Virus was ruining everything.

The moment of truth for me came one morning when I was so frustrated during a call that I slammed the jar of preserves I was holding on the kitchen counter and shattered the glass. It was in that moment that I realized that there was a major lesson here.

Once I asked the question, “What is the lesson I’m supposed to get from this?”  The answer came.  I was looking at everything wrong.  Yes, I was winning in many areas and ready to lean in further in those areas.  However, that is not what The Most High, my Ancestors, and Spirit Guides desired for me.  I then realized:  I’d been wanting to create wellness products that would support me (and others) in achieving and maintaining the balance required for longevity.  I also wanted to be able to “home school” my children more.  I’ve been SUPER active in their education since they were both in utero and stay close to their school and teachers.  Maintaining romantic relationships with all else I have going on has been a challenge for me.  I decided to seek life coaching to help me to figure out what I’m doing, or not doing, that contributes to this lack of success.  The coaching is exactly what I needed.

I then decided that I wanted to learn more, and develop my skills as a healer.  This led me to a Rites of Passage which taught me valuable lessons on Sacred Relationships (among many other beautiful, wonderful things), made way for a magical sisterhood, and put me on a divine spiritual path of understanding and remembrance.  Remembering who my Ancestors are and my lineage unlocked further ceremonies.  Learning who my Spiritual Guides are. 

I now know the lesson of Power over Force

I’m able to stay on my throne no matter what is going on around me.  We tend to want to “make it happen,” but if it’s meant for you, or in alignment, then although it may happen the ultimate result won’t be what we desire.  I may be for a while, but not for long.

With this understanding, I accepted 2020 and all its lessons and surrendered to the desire to control.  I birthed my brand in 2020, twenty years after my first brand A Light Style.  After being uncertain how I’d be paid at work, I was paid well in 2020 (based on what I did in 2019).  In December of 2021, I picked up one of the largest advertisers in the market.  I hadn’t even called on this client.  I learned that they asked around the market who was the best rep at my company and my name kept coming up, so they chose me.  This same company terminated me on Valentine's Day 2022 for my unwillingness to vaccinate after accepting my religious exemption, while still working remotely and at the same time allowing others to work with exemptions.  The early 2020 me would be BIG mad, but I didn’t get angry at all.  In fact, I was totally fine, so much so that those around me couldn’t believe how calm I was.  It’s simple.  I realize I have the power.  So, I stayed on my throne.  Listened to Spirit and watched for the synchronicities.  I’m full of gratitude because I AM divinely guided and protected, and the Universe always handles the details.  So just breathe in Spirit, relax the body, and allow the magic to happen.

a🦋LIGHT Pro Tips:

✅When things are not going how you’d like or seem a bit wackier than usual ask the Universe for the lesson that you’re to learn from the situation.  Ask and remain open for the answers to come

✅Learn from Master Teachers.  Tap into sources that can help you grow into your highest self.  Get coaching or a mentor that will be your accountability partner and push you to greatness.

✅Pay attention.  Always be an observer.  It’s a form of meditation.

✅Practice meditation.  Find a space where you can sit quietly and focus on your breathing.  Thoughts will pop up and that’s fine.  Simply breathe yourself back into a relaxed state and again focus on your breathing.  Gratitude for breath.  It brings us closer to Spirit.
✅Have the desired outcome in mind as you walk into any situation. We’ve all experienced difficult conversations or situations…and often bring on anxiety when we must have a difficult meeting/ conversation. A great mindfulness practice is to see the desired outcome clearly in your mind. To speak a prayer of gratitude as you give thanks to the Most High for that desired outcome as if you’re already experiencing it. Hold that focus. When it’s time for that difficult encounter you will be so much more relaxed and able to navigate the outcome of your desire. You created that and your tissues will thank you for not having to experience the chemicals stress creates in the body.

mindfulness bath salts

a🦋LIGHT recommendations:

a🦋LIGHT Bath Salts:

The herbal salt blend has 10+ times more minerals than other blends.  These minerals can assist in cleansing, detoxifying, and restoring the skin and muscles.  The skin is the largest organ and soaking in our bath salts helps expedite healing and helps bring an overall peaceful state.  Add an a🦋LIGHT candle to enhance the mood.

a🦋LIGHT Bath Teas:

For a relaxing bath.  I love speaking my prayers while in the bath.  I also allow myself to release all that no longer serves me.  My blend relieves stress and anxiety.  Eases muscle soreness and soothes the skin.  Add a 🦋LIGHT candle to enhance the mood.

a🦋LIGHT Waistbeads:

There are many uses for waist beads.  One amazing way is to choose colors that resonate with your healing.  Choose colors for the energy /vibration/frequency necessary for the area you’d like to improve.  Choose crystals that resonate with the frequency you’re looking to align with.  If/when the strand “pop” off ask why and the answer will be revealed.  Sometimes it means it’s time for renewal, releasing old feelings, relationships, or stagnant energy.

 I trust that these words reach those who need them and are able to activate the magic necessary for growth.


Akilah Cauac Ast Light